Support 0ur Park

Daubenspeck Community Nature Park (DCNP) is a charitable, non-profit (IRS 501-C-3) run by volunteers and funded by individual donations, corporate support, and grants. Donations are tax-deductible.

Make a Donation
Use the donate button below to make a tax-deductible donation with your Visa/MC or PayPal account.
Mail a check donation to P.O. Box 40443, Indianapolis, IN 46240.
Designate Daubenspeck Nature Park in your will/estate planning.
Designate Daubenspeck Nature Park on as your charity of choice, and shop using AmazonSmile, so a percentage of all qualified purchases goes to the park every time you shop -- at no cost to you.
Donate new or gently used materials such as work gloves, tents, shovels, wheelbarrows, etc. Email us to arrange your donation.

Donate your time on volunteer days or contact us for other opportunities. We are always looking for volunteers to join us for:
Spring Work Days
Fall Work Days
Corporate Work Days
Program Leaders
Scout Projects